Ever find yourself saying. . .
- I hate this sh*t!
- I can’t believe they told me to do it that way!
- OMG! How do I do this?
- Numbers aren’t my thing!

Work with me and start saying . . .
- OMG! I get it now!
- I feel so much more confident doing this now
- I actually saved money on taxes!
- I made how much!?! Wow!

Our Capabilities
With experience, expertise and acquired knowledge, I’m here to help you manage your business finances effectively. Let’s work together to streamline and optimize your bookkeeping for a successful and organized business.

QBO Setup & Training
Gain a solid foundation for your financial reporting with QBO setup and training that ensures your financial reporting is accurate and your systems are efficient.

Bookkeeping Training
Demystifying the technical terminolgy and processes in language you fully understand. Gain the knowledge that builds confidence.

Bookkeepers’ Mentor
Uplevel your bookkeeping skills with my Best Practices for Better Bookkeepers. Transform from being “just a bookkeeper” to a partner entrepreneurs turn to for guidance.